We invite you to take this Journey with us that will make you smile, giggle and even blush.  There is only one of you so why not celebrate your Uniqueness and Fingerprint. Discover your Chic & inhale every “different” that makes YOU who YOU are.

The Brainchild of Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director, Tamensia Carathers Nealy; the NAME – TiffEny’s Signature, LLC. was born.  A combination of two names, with an emphasis on E for Elegant, TiffEny’s was created to provide an atmosphere of love, joy and beauty with a chic and elegance that transcends from the decor and unique style of each client.  Although TiffEny’s Signature LLC became official mid-2018, Tiffany A. Galloway-Foster, Chief Executive Officer and Creative Director, has been creating, designing, writing, planning, speaking and directing since she was a toddler.  And Tammi, as she is affectionately called, is a natural-born leader with incredible talent, smarts and a flair with numbers that was in her DNA from the womb. So much alike yet so different, combined their talents, leadership, and faith to bring a lifelong dream to reality without compromising their sisterhood and individuality.

Fast Forward! “A Tale of Two Cities”! Two Gifts, Two Friends, Two Sisters, Two Dreams

When over 30 years of experience meet over 30 years of experience, you get a Signature.  When life’s successes meet lessons from failures, you get a LLC.  When young talent meet young dreams, you get a staff.  And when a vision meets a reality, you get TiffEny’s.  From church events to community plays, these phenomenal young ladies have taken small budgets with Big Visions and created exceptional programs that rival any Red Carpet, Hollywood Premiere or Grand Opening – Anywhere in the World.

In what most would call an “overly saturated” business, Tammi and Tiffany became business owners without looking back.  It’s never about the competition between other event planners.  Though it may sound like a cliche’, it’s about being the best that TiffEny’s can be without trying to mimic or be like any other Planner.  There are definitely inspirations and mentors that we admire, study and learn from; but it is Tammi’s and Tiffany’s Love and Passion for People, Fashion, and the Arts that have propelled them Forward to uncharted territory.

With an Empty Canvas, TiffEny’s creates and designs events for their clients using its Signature and unique ness that cannot be duplicated.  From the invitations, venue, menu, style, decor, entertainment, drinks and transportation; TiffEny’s handles every intricate detail from beginning to end.  Planning and designing Weddings, Showers, Birthday Parties, Fashion Shows and Grand Openings that are chic, elegant, memorable and timeless, clients simply make an entrance, and fellowship with their guests without worry or sweat.

TiffEny’s Signature, LLC is comprised of three unique facets: 1) Elegant Events – From Beginning to End 2) Signature Couture – Original Designs and Products from clothing, perfume to accessories and make-up 3) TiffEny’s Studio – Management & Representation for upcoming Artists, Models and Musicians. Since March 2018, TiffEny’s has had the awesome privilege to host, plan and design over 200 Signature events. And we have empty canvases with you in mind.

TiffEny's Signature

Here’s to the Chic in You! #youready #nothingisholdingyoubackbutyou